3 Best Secret Santa Gifts for Rummy Card Game Lovers

3 Best Secret Santa Gifts for Rummy Card Game Lovers
3 Best Secret Santa Gifts for Rummy Card Game Lovers

Christmas is just a few hours away! If you’re someone with a large group of friends, then you must be rushing out to buy some gifts for them. But, trust me, this the most joyous & weary task. By any chance, if you have a card game lover on your friends’ list, probably these 3 gifts can really surprise them.

Pack of Cards:

Being a card game enthusiast, be it rummy, bridge, or 29, everyone has a pile of cards lying around. But it sounds more interesting if you customize a deck of cards with their favorite character & gift wrap them in such a way that they need to unbox at least 5 box wrappers. The gift looks heavy but the surprise you have for them will be truly amazing.

Board games:

None of our childhood passed without playing monopoly. Yes or No? Well, you must have noticed the variants in Monopoly available in today’s market. Casinopoly is a cloned version of Monopoly but it has got some advanced changes in design & play. 

You will need to face off with your game opponents in all casino games like slots, roulette, and blackjack. In fact, it has got everything in a single place! 

Desk Accessories:

Desk accessories are the best pick for anyone. Firstly, if your bestie is a game lover, then surely he/she must have good time management. You can grab a sand timer (hourglass) or a stopwatch themed with the casino. Secondly, a slot machine is a dream arsenal for any game lover. It actually completes their game collection. If your budget doesn’t fit in buying a real one, you can even try for a showpiece from the local marts.

This sounds so exciting! Isn’t it?

Hope you like our gifting ideas for this year’s Secret Santa. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below & Don’t forget to download our A23 app to rummy online from anywhere at any time! 


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