How to steer clear of the negatives While Playing Rummy Online, and how one can effectively deal with them.
Online Rummy is one of the most popular games in India. As per a 2021 survey jointly conducted by NASSCOM and TORF (The online rummy Federation), up to 8% of all online games in India involve rummy. Millions of people every day spend their precious time playing a game of rummy.
Most people recognize it as a skill-based game that requires logistical and numerical ability, as well analytical skills. They play rummy for fun and maintain their financial investments in the game according to their budgets. But for others, this is not the case.
Let us take a closer look at those who play rummy online but end up with significant difficulties, both financially and mentally.
Problems with excessive online gaming:
Rummy, like many other games, can be monetized by players for additional income using the skills mentioned above. While there are plenty of options online for free rummy, earning some extra cash can be a huge incentive to most of the working population.
However, like any other game, it involves a certain element of luck, e.g., you may not receive the right set of cards in your hand. There are some players who may end up with a continuous losing streak that could cost them several thousands or even lakhs of rupees.
Moreover, a certain section of the community may continuously play online rummy, not only to recover their huge losses but to earn profits over it. They may play rummy card games simply to improve their financial situation. They may continuously gamble with their little savings and may find it hard to stop playing rummy online.
How to be a Responsible Gamer:
The following are some of the steps that players can take to maintain a healthy relationship with gaming.
- Keep a daily track of their expenses, so that they do not go over their financial capacity.
- Logging off from gaming sites, and spending time outdoors or in physical activities. This helps in naturally increasing dopamine levels, which helps one to focus & feel better. These effects could be beneficial once a player goes back to gaming online.
The Concept of Responsible Gaming:
The concept of Responsible Gaming consists of several policies and measures applicable to various gaming stakeholders.
The idea behind the legislation is to implement a series of safety measures for a safer user experience and maintain high standards all the time.
Responsible Gaming in A23:
Some Indian rummy apps have protocols in place to ensure that players take a break from the game, if necessary. In this regard, A23 is a step ahead of the curve. They have a proficient responsible gaming policy that ensures that players indulge in the game as much as is healthy for them.
A23 is a popular Indian rummy game that offers a variety of tourneys & scoring formats. They have a responsible gaming test, which tests a player’s gaming patterns to ensure that they are playing within their financial capacity and without posing risks to their general well-being. Users can also enable self-exclusion, which is useful, especially for those with a potential gambling addiction.
A23 is a great app for those with the necessary set of skills required to play 13 cards rummy. Players who are ready to compete with the skill gamers and looking to test their rummy skills, what are you waiting for Download Rummy App and Start Playing Online Rummy on A23.
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