Call Break FAQs

  • A New format where highest scorers of each round will get some prize from the prize pool.
  • Overall winnings will be the sum of round rewards and final/game rewards.

Call Break on A23 is user-friendly in both design and gameplay. The 3D perspective of the game has been simulated to such an extent that it mirrors real-life gameplay scenarios, and the graphics are enhanced to the point which is as close as it can get to the actual game.

Points scored by each player are evaluated depending upon the bid the respective player made in the beginning of the game.

  • Points are equivalent to the bid.
  • If a player wins a lower number of hands than the bid, one gets negative points equivalent to the difference between number of hands one won and number of hands one bid. If someone scores more hands than their bid, they get extra 0.1 points for each extra hands they win.
  • E.g. If player A bid 3 and wins 3 hands, he gets 3 points. If player B bid 4 and wins 6 hands, he will get 4.2 points (4+0.1+0.1). If player C bid 4 as well but wins only 2 hands, he will get -2 points.

  • When a round is complete, the points are evaluated and allocated to the players.
  • Final scores of all the players from all the rounds are calculated to determine the winner
    • The player will be given 3 rounds of 15 seconds each. If the player is unable to get back within these 3 rounds, the opponent wins by default.

You can play online Call Break on your mobile by downloading the A23 Games app. Once the file has downloaded, you can enter the app and choose Call Break from various other games available on the platform. Start off with a free Call Break game and move up the ladder

Call Break on A23 Games is super safe, secure, and legal. A23 Games ensures compliance with the required rules and regulations in India to make certain that the users are fully protected. You can play free games and also play cash games on A23 Games confidently. Call Break is a skill-based game and isn't considered gambling. It is 100% legal in India. Our payment gateways are completely secure and transactions are carried out smoothly.

Auto-Discard & Scoring

In-case a player fails to discard a card either due to disconnection or in-activity, a random card from the legal set of cards will be auto-discarded and no points will be awarded if he/she wins the hand.

Skips: Chances to stay in the game in case you miss your turn.

  • When a player disconnects due to Network Connectivity issues, App Crash/Kill, Screen Inactivity
    • If the player is not able to come back before the end of their turn, one skip will be deducted.
    • If the player exhausts his quota of skips allotted, he will be declared as disqualified and cannot claim winnings.
  • Total no. of skips allowed to the player = 2 X No. of Rounds
  • No limitations on the number of skips allowed per round
  • E.g. For a 4-round Call Break game, each player gets 8 skips

Score on profile icon

After a win the score given to the winning player for that hand is displayed to all the players in their profile icon.

+1 - Win for an active player

+0 - Win for in-active/disconnected player

B. Status Updates

Inactive Player: Autoplay text will be broadcasted to all the players & shown above the player profile.

Disconnection: In case a player is disconnected Autoplay text and a disconnection icon will appear over the profile icon his/her status & player profile will be masked.

Player left table: If a player has left the table, Autoplay text will be shown near his player profile & player profile will be masked.

Auto discarded cards will be marked with Auto text on the cards

Player Left Table

Auto-discard for 13th hand: The last card of a round (13th card) will be released automatically and no user action is needed. Even in case of disconnection or in-activity player will be awarded points for hand win.

  • In case of a tie in the final score, both players will get the same rank and an equal split of the prize pool.
  • At the end of a multi-winner game, if two players get the same score and these players are competing for the first position as winners of the game, the distribution of prize pools will be as follows:

    - The winnings of the total prize pool (1st and 2nd combined) will be distributed 50% each, and there will be no other prizes.

  • If all the players leave the table or get disqualified (all the players in autoplay), the winner will be decided as follows:

    - When the last but one player leaves the table or gets disqualified, the player standing on the table should be declared the winner, irrespective of his position on the scoreboard. For multi-winner contests, the entire prize pool is awarded to the winner.

  • At the end of the game, if two players have the same score and are competing for Rank 1, and one of the players is disqualified, the distribution of the prize pool will be as follows:

    - The whole prize pool will be awarded to the active or last-standing player on the table. However, if it is a multi-winner contest, the next qualified high scorer will be awarded the second prize.

    - In the event that the winner is the only active player and all other players have already been disqualified, the entire prize pool will be awarded to the winner.

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